After this weeks Rodriguez Report I am overjoyed to welcome Philip and Brandon. We talk about Philip growing up in Georgia, how he ghosted Brandon not once, but twice, expanding my gay slang vocabulary, work wives, Taylor Swift, a news article Philip wrote that pissed his sister off (linked below), a visit from the Amazing Amy and so much more. Do you have an idea or question for me? Want to be a guest on the show? Email me at Enjoy and tell someone else to listen. Spread the word. Subscribe and leave a review on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher or on my website

Also check out the slider at the bottom of the page with 9 picture from this interview.

Here is the article Philip wrote for his college newspaper in 2011 that still resonates today. I especially enjoyed seeing college age Philip. (Plus he pissed off his sister so that makes me smile)


I am overjoyed to welcome Philip and Brandon. We talk about Philip growing up in Georgia, how he ghosted Brandon not once, but twice, expanding my gay slang vocabulary, work wives, Taylor Swift, a news article Philip wrote that pissed his sister off (linked below), a visit from the Amazing Amy and so much more. Do you have an idea or question for me? Want to be a guest on the show? Email me at Enjoy and tell someone else to listen. Spread the word. Subscribe and leave a review on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher or on my website

Also check out the slider at the bottom of the page with 9 picture from this interview.

Here is the article Philip wrote for his college newspaper in 2011 that still resonates today. I especially enjoyed seeing college age Philip. (Plus he pissed off his sister so that makes me smile)

After this weeks Rodriguez Report I am overjoyed to welcome Philip and Brandon. We talk about Philip growing up in Georgia, how he ghosted Brandon not once, but twice, expanding my gay slang vocabulary, work wives, Taylor Swift, a news article Philip wrote that pissed his sister off (linked below), a visit from the Amazing Amy and so much more. Do you have an idea or question for me? Want to be a guest on the show? Email me at Enjoy and tell someone else to listen. Spread the word. Subscribe and leave a review on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher or on my website

Also check out the slider at the bottom of the page with 9 picture from this interview.

Here is the article Philip wrote for his college newspaper in 2011 that still resonates today. I especially enjoyed seeing college age Philip. (Plus he pissed off his sister so that makes me smile)

After this weeks Rodriguez Report I welcome James Heard. We talk about growing up in small town Louisiana, his amazing dog Sophie, being gay in a small town and then in a big one, Growler as an apartment hunting app, transformational weight loss, how he tried to be straight in high school and so much more. This hour went way too quick and I cannot wait to get him back in the studio. Do you have an idea or question for me? Want to be a guest on the show? Email me at Enjoy and tell someone else to listen. Spread the word. Subscribe and leave a review on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher or on my website