After the Rodriguez Report I welcome podcasters and fellow movie aficionados, Chris and Neil from Movies That Don’t Suck (and some that do). We talk about the sadness we all feel at movie theatres being closed, some movies we love and some that suck, our mutual love of Kevin Smith, movies going direct to home viewing, some artsy movie called Phantom Thread and we discuss the Snyder Cut of The Justice League releasing next year on HBOMax and so much more.Please listen and share. Support the show by becoming a patron at You can also support the show by wearing Saga merchandise. The link is Do you have an idea or question for me? Want to be a guest on the show? Email me at Enjoy and tell someone else to listen. Spread the word. Subscribe and leave a review on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, Spotify or on my website

Check out their podcast on Spotify here

Check out their website here.

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