After this weeks possibly controversial Rodriguez Report I have Phone sex goddess Amberly Rothfield on. We talk about how she went from being almost homeless to making $10,000 a month NET! We talk about the ups and downs of the business (see what I did there?), tips on breaking the chains of corporate America, SEO, FOSTA/SESTA and why it hurt us as a country, how she is not teaching others to take her place, how she specializes in blackmail and home wrecking(but not really) and mush more. Do you have an idea or question for me? Want to be a guest on the show? Email me at steve@sagaofsteverogers.com. Enjoy and tell someone else to listen. Spread the word. Subscribe and leave a review on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher or on my website sagaofsteverogers.com.
https://gumroad.com/l/amberlypso is the link to get her book as a PDF FREE!
https://www.eventbrite.com/e/vocal-seduction-tips-from-a-phone-sex-operator-presented-by-amberly-rothfield-tickets-49159362978 is the link to Amberly Rothfield’s workshop at KINK.com’s Armory Club in San Francisco
https://amberlyrothfield.com/ Amberly’s website. Giver her a call. She gives great phone.
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