Why Why Why????

February 1, 2011
So why am I writing this? The smart ass in me says because I can. The real reason is my stories have been entertaining my friends, family and coworkers for years. I have been told for years I should try stand-up comedy. No thank you. 
Being an avid readerI always thought I would one day write an amazing novel. In my arrogance, in response to the question from Inside The Actors Studio, “If there is a God, what would you like to hear him say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates” my response was, “I liked your first book. The second was a little long, but the movie was cast well”. That’s right; I want the creator of everything to review my book favorably. How arrogant is that? Also, thinking I am somewhat of a funny person, I decided if not me, who? If not now, when? If not ….well, you get the idea.
I can only write this from my perspective. The names have been changed to protect me from the not-so-innocent. I have to credit the idea of nicknames for some of the women I dated to one of my coworkers. He decided on “Coupon” for one due to her propensity to never go anywhere or do anything without a coupon. I can assure you that there will be a number of entries chronicling my Coupon experiences. I am sure those that have heard some of my Coupon stories are hoping that there are more. Trust and believe there are more.
I will warn those that read this ahead of time…If we dated, are friends, were married, or even met in any way, shape or form, you might be mentioned in future writings. I will do everything in my power to follow one of the two rules I have for myself in life…Never tell a lie. The stories I will tell are being told from my perspective. I might remember them a little different that you do and I might change certain pieces of the story to make them funnier. If you think any of the stories is about you, i.e. Coupon, and you would like to have your side told, feel free to email me your side of the story and I will post your version. I do not promise to not comment about your version, but I will post your email exactly as written, so be careful what you hope for.
I would also like to say upfront, I don’t have an ax to grind with anyone.  Good, bad or indifferent, these are the stories as I remember them. If you know me at all, you should know that, in most cases, I don’t hold a grudge. I need to talk about whatever happened, think it through, and then it is done for me as far as I am concerned. I am sure I will come out looking like an ass more often than not. I am prepared for the assault from my readers (especially those named Tim from my MeetUp.com group. Tim has shown that I am one of his favorite targets and I wish I had saved some of his text messages in regards to some of my failed dates. I am sure there will be a Timmy blog or two before too long.)
These will not be in any sort of order. I can’t promise that I even remember all the stories right now, so a chronological listing of the “Steve Rogers Saga” is not possible.  I hope you enjoy my stories, but if you don’t, in the famous words of Jay-Z, “He who does not feel me is not real to me, therefore he does not exist. So, poof… vamooseson of a bitch.”

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